Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Papyrus, worst font ever?

I know there is a lot of hate out there for Comic Sans.  Yes, Comic Sans is a horrible font, but it doesn't offend me as much as Papyrus.  You've probably seen Papyrus.  Lots of people use it because, I guess, they think it looks classy. 

The font was created back in 1982 by Chris Costello, but it seems to have really come into vogue over the past few years.  I can't be certain, but it seems to be a font that is being used by a lot of vinyl printing companies. 

The offending font

Now, Papyrus does have it's place.  I think it's fine if you are doing something related to Egypt, but that's about it.  I've come across it being used for everything from lawn services to day care.  I don't get what people are thinking when they choose it for such things but, I have to assume, that they are not designers.

Here are a few confusing uses of the font:

Hopefully this trend will die out in the near future....

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