Saturday, January 28, 2012

NES Box art

So while looking through video game box design, I came across some old NES boxes.  I grew up with the NES, and the early box art really jumped out at me.  It's simple, it shows a bit of the game, and it's has a bit of a retro futuristic vibe to it.  For those of you not in the know, here's an example:

You can see screen shots on the back of the box, but the front of the box also contails a screen shot.  The bottom left shows what Nindeno series it belongs to, and of course it has the Nintendo seal of quality.  There is a bit of weird dead space in the middle of the bottom half.  I never noticed it when I was younger.  I guess I was focused on the top half of the box. 

Now, this is the official Nintendo box.  Or at least the box they started with.  Over the years they changed, and there were a lot of other companies with other types of box art. 

Here's a pretty good write up on the other styles of NES era box art

If you are feeling inspired by this, and I know I am, you might want to design an old school box of your own, well, here you go:

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