Thursday, January 26, 2012

Stop motion

There has been a lot going around the interweb about the bookstore stop motion video.  Don't get me wrong, it is cool, but I think it's been talked about a bit too much.  In case you missed it, here's the vid:

Again, this is very well done, and it must have taken a long time, but it's not really that innovative.  There's nothing that really wowed me about it.  Part of that might be my cynical nature, or the fact that I've seen a lot of great stop motion.  I believe a lot of the people going gah gah for this video haven't really looked at any other stop motion.  Here's something that I find a little more interesting. 

Here we have the same technique, but it's been pushed further.  The idea literally jumps off the page.

One last example.  This one is simple but, again, it is trying something a little bit different.  Also I dig that song, so that helps...

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