Monday, January 16, 2012

I am the bat

So I was watching Batman the Animated Series today and noticed something.  In the episode "His Silicon Soul" there are several nods to other bits of sci-fi. 

One of which is the character of Karl Rossum, To borrow from Wikipedia, "Karl Rossum was based on the actor William Sanderson, both his voice and image were taken for the character. Loosely connected to his role as J.F. Sebastian in the 1982 film Blade Runner, Sabastian created the minds of the androids and surrounded himself with robot friends to keep him company."

Very cool.

Next is the obvious nod to Terminator.  About mid way through the episode cyborg Batman gets his wires crossed.  His vision goes red and certain electronic devices highlight and zoom like they do in the Terminator films. Also, there is what happens to Batman at the end of the episode. 

Bat Terminator

Now for the thing that makes this relevant in a design blog.  The logo for HARDAC is borrowed from The Designer's Republic.  Sadly I had a difficult time finding the logos that I was looking for, but you should be able to get the idea.

Wipeout 2097 Soundtrack (UK VERSION)
Not exactly the same, but you can definitely tell that the folks making Batman at least glanced at this logo before designing the HARDAC logo. 

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