Sunday, January 29, 2012

I'm not a sucker for most brands, but...

I really like Cyberdog clothing.  What first caught my eye was their logo.

3D Cutaway of the Cyberdog Logo

Cyberdog is a fashion company from England.  They make mostly club clothes, but they also have some great t-shirt designs as well.  While trying to do a bit of research on the history of the company, I had a bit of a time.  It was my hope that I could find out more about the company's designers, but I had no luck.  They do have an interesting history though.  The company started off as a street stall in the early 1990's.  As they grew, they moved to a large underground space in London.  Now their clothing is available world wide on website.  Sadly, their site recently updated, and now it look like garbage.  If you want to see for your self, go here:

Below are a couple of different examples of their shirt designs.  Their work is quite varied so, if you like what you see, be sure to look at the other designs on their site.

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