Sunday, February 5, 2012

Stupor Bowl

Seems like every one is freaking out about Super Bowl ads.  I don't get the hype.  Over the past few years there really hasn't been much worth mentioning.  Some companies, like Doritos, have given up hope on the design world and have chosen to go with user created ads.  While I don't have problem with this per se, I do have an issue with laziness in the design field.  This is a time where designers and creative directors can put something together that really shines.  Instead we get lame jokes and bad visual effects.  Keep in mind this rant is coming before watching any of the ads for this year.  I just remember being so disappointed with last year's batch of ads that I wanted to crack some skulls in the design firms that made them. 

At least now I can watch the ads online.  Back in the day I had to keep the TV muted during derp ball while I waited for the commercials...

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