Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Design Firm of the day

Graphic Therapy is a firm that I cam across while doing some research on typography.  You've probably seen some of their work around.  As I've mentioned before, I'm always shocked when I find a design firm that has created several different designs or campaigns that I'm familiar with. 

Graphic Therapy has had some pretty big clients.  Disney, Converse, Sony, ZooYork, and a host of others have had work created by them. 

Moby - Go, The Very Best of Moby

ZooYork - Skateboard and Illustration

I will say that I don't care much for their web design.  I find their portfolio site to be too slow and most of the web sites in their portfolio seem like print pieces rather than web pieces.  To see what I am talking about, you can see their site here:

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