Monday, February 20, 2012

Something you don't think about

A lot of folks I know do event photography.  They do weddings, birthdays, and other such boring events.  On a good day, they might get to do a concert or festival.  The problem is, a lot of folks who shoot such events forget a major part of the event.  The people.  When shooting a festival or concert, most photographers focus on the band.  Granted, the band is important, but the crowd can be so much more interesting.  I used to have a professor who told me that if you want great reaction shots, go to a pro wrestling event.  Don't shoot the wrestlers, shoot people in the crowd.

I started thinking about this after coming across a really great set of photos from last year's Kinetik festival.  I was at this concert, and this series does an amazing job of capturing the atmosphere of the event.  Here's a link to the photo series on Flickr 

Here's my favorite photo from the series:

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